
The May 21 Movement

Friday, May 13, 2011

By now, everyone's seen the billboards, posters, etc. Here is an excellent blog post by Matthew Paul Turner about the May 21 believers and among other things, on the psychological damage movements like these do to kids....

Here's a taste of what he says:

Because there’s nothing funny about kids believing and anticipating THE END. And while I know that the kids who believe in May 21st have what they consider to be “great faith in Jesus,”–trust me, they are scared. They’re nervous. Some of them aren’t sleeping. They’re asking lots of questions. They’re hoping that it isn’t true. But they believe it is.

1 comment:

  1. Well, anyone who reads Scripture will know that Jesus himself told his followers to quit worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow, but focus on the blessings of today. No one knows the hour.....

    He also said there would be a whole lot of fear mongerers out there stirring things up.

    Geez..... and be buy into it over and over again...


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