
Vincentian Quote of the Week-St Louise & Communion

Monday, May 16, 2011

Every Monday, I'll post a quote by someone of the Vincentian charism.

Today's is from one of my favorites, St. Louise de Marillac, one of the founders of the Daughters of Charity. She may frustrate me sometimes but I think part of that is because, in some ways, she reminds me of myself. She is so incredibly human, it's amazing...yet she's a saint nonetheless! What a great example for the rest of us!

This is from one of her personal writings, around the year of 1628, before the Daughters were even founded. Here, she talks about receiving Holy Communion. While sometimes St. Louise and others from her time can seem too self-loathing, I think that, if we deeply think about it, this is a fear Catholics in today's age too may have when receiving the True Presence in the Eucharist:

From time to time, especially on solemn feast days, the sight of my abjection, occasioned by my faults and my infidelities to God, causes me to fear to receive Holy Communion...sometimes, I experience an unwillingness to see such a good God come into such a miserable place. On the Feast of All Saints, I was particularly overwhelmed by the thought of my lowliness, when my soul was made to understand that my God wanted to come to me. However, He did not wish to come into some temporary dwelling but to a place that was rightly His and which belonged to Him. Therefore, I could not refuse him entrance. (Spiritual Writings of St. Louise, A.29) 

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