
Prepostulancy: The Verdict is In!

Friday, June 3, 2011

After waiting (im?)patiently by the phone yesterday, having lunch with Sr. Liz and hanging out with Sr. Denise to distract me from going crazy with nerves, I finally received the phone call from the Visitatrix (that is, the provincial superior) - I'm in!

I was accepted for pre-postulancy to be served in the Daughters' community in Macon, Georgia. I'm super excited not only because I've heard amazing things about the house there, but also because it means I'll be speaking real Spanish again (none of this "only speaking slowly and only in the present tense" stuff!) because of their Hispanic community down there! And I'm super excited....because duh, it's prepostulancy - the first step in becoming a Daughter of Charity!

I don't have any words to express the joy and excitement I feel right now! I barely got any sleep because I was so full of joy! What a wonderful God we have!


  1. Awesome! Congratulations! :) --Abby

  2. yayyyyy! that's so exciting! I'm so happy for you!

  3. Amanda,
    Congrats on becoming a prepostulant! I was on mission in Macon - it is a great place - you'll love it. I'm out in Chicago right now but heading to my new mission in Niagra Falls, NY by theend of the summer. I hope I get to meet you soon - will you be at the Baltimore meeting? You are in my prayers - please keep me in yours.
    Sr. Nancy Murphy, DC

  4. Congratulations, Amanda!
    Please count on my prayers for your beautiful journey.

    May God surround you with His love always,
    Sister Marie Rachelle
    St. Vincent's Santa Barbara, California


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